All GUNNAR lenses are designed specifically for computer use. The GUNNAR solution combines patented digital eye strain reduction and blue light blocking technology to make your viewing experience in front of a screen more comfortable.
Why do you need custom prescription glasses for the computer?
20/20 sounds great, but just means you’ve been corrected to see well at 20 feet away (distance viewing). The glasses that your doctor prescribes for distance viewing actually may be causing you more eye strain at the computer. When corrected for distance vision, pushing your eyes to focus on near objects creates repetitive eye strain that can cause problems by inducing even more myopic progression (nearsightedness). Do your eyes keep getting worse? Want to keep your eyes from getting worse? Then you need a computer prescription.
Largest viewing field and completely optimized for computer distance. The most commonly prescribed and our most popular option. Choose for dedicated, long-term computer work if you don't need reading glasses.

A single vision lens features one field of vision and one prescription power throughout the entire lens. Best for people who do long sessions of intensive computer work or gaming with minimal breaks. With a full field of vision optimized to computer distance, this option provides the most dedicated computer performance, but may not be as good for frequent multi-tasking. Users with high prescriptions may want to change back to general use eyewear when leaving the computer. Users with severe presbyopia (near vision loss due to age) may want to consider Computer Progressive lenses.
Large central intermediate (computer distance) vision field and smaller near (reading distance) viewing field. Choose for office environments if you need additional reading power.

Typical progressive lenses have a large distance field and very small intermediate viewing field. For most full-time computer users and PC gamers, this causes posture issues due to a permanently canted head position. Our computer progressive lenses deliver a large intermediate viewing field that progresses to a lower, smaller reading field. If you need reading glasses for viewing keyboard, printed material or items in the near distance, choose this lens over our Single Vision. Optimized for computer use, these lenses work best for computer distance or in a conference room up to 14 feet, and are not meant for long distances. Users with high prescriptions may want to change back to general use eyewear when leaving the computer.
Full progressive lens with distance at the top, intermediate in the middle and reading at the bottom. Choose if you require additional reading power while viewing digital devices in a wide range of distances.

GUNNAR Progressive Lenses work well for those that require reading glasses while multi-tasking in a wide range of environments. While lacking the large intermediate field needed for long-term intensive computer use, the larger distance field at the top allows greater flexibility for those that use digital devices on the go. Great for driving, aviation, warehouse work, cross-room gaming, and mobile device viewing, these lenses provide GUNNAR technology for viewing screens in a variety of locations without switching to readers.

Prior to uploading your prescription, we recommend a visit to your eye care professional. These trained professionals can best evaluate all aspects of your eye health. To prepare for the visit, measure the distance from your eyes to your computer screen and tell the doctor this measurement. Also, be sure to ask for your Pupillary Distance. (see below).
Note: We require a current prescription (within the last 24 months) to process any order. If you need assistance reading your prescription, reach out to our support team at support@gunnars.com, or connect with us during our live chat hours. We are happy to help!
We match each custom prescription to your facial geometry and require a key biometric, your Pupillary Distance (PD) i.e. the measurement, in millimeters, between your pupils. Ideally, your doctor will note this on your prescription. If not, you can obtain this in one of two ways:
- With a friend. Have your friend hold a millimeter ruler in front of your eyes. Align one end with the center of one pupil (dark black part of your eye) and read the measurement at the center of the other pupil.
- By yourself - Use our simple tool to upload a picture and we’ll register your PD during checkout.

Did you know most Vision Care Insurance plans cover GUNNAR glasses? We make it easy!
Most vision insurance covers...
Prescription glasses
No out-of-pocket costs for scratch-resistant and anti-reflective lens coatings (plus free shipping and free returns)
FSA/HSA cards are also accepted. Use yours at checkout
Click on your carrier to check your benefits.

Follow these easy steps to submit an out-of-network claim for reimbursement through Aetna. Every plan is a little different, so be sure to contact Aetna directly for details on your out-of-network benefits and eligibility.
- Obtain a copy of your itemized receipt. Contact us at support@gunnars.com if you need another copy of your receipt.
- Start your claim. Download, complete, and print Atena’s out of network claim form.
- Submit your claim. Mail your completed claim form and itemized receipt to:
Aetna Vision
Attn: OON Claims
P.O. Box 8504
Mason, OH 45040-7111
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, log in to Aetna Vision or call the Customer Care Center at (877) 973-3238.

Follow these easy steps to submit an out-of-network claim for reimbursement through Cigna Vision. Every plan is a little different, so be sure to contact Cigna Vision directly for details on your out-of-network benefits and eligibility.
- Obtain a copy of your itemized receipt. Contact us at support@gunnars.com if you need another copy of your receipt.
- Start your claim. Download, complete, and print Cigna’s out of network claim form.
- Submit your claim. Mail the completed claim form and your itemized receipt to:
Cigna Vision
P.O. Box 385018
Birmingham, AL 35238-5018
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, log in to your Cigna Vision account or call Customer Service at (877) 478-7557.

Follow these easy steps to submit an out-of-network claim for reimbursement through Davis Vision. Every plan is a little different, so be sure to contact Davis Vision directly for details on your out-of-network benefits and eligibility.
- Start your claim. Download and complete this form. Click here to access Davis Vision Out of Network form.
- Submit your claim. Mail your completed form to:
Vision Care Processing Unit
P.O. Box 1525
Latham, NY 12110
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, log in to your Davis Vision account or call customer service at (800) 999-5431.

Need to make an out-of-network claim for your new GUNNAR glasses? Follow these 4 easy steps to make your reimbursement claim through EyeMed. Before you get started, be sure to confirm your plan’s out-of-network benefits and eligibility by contacting EyeMed directly.
Reach out to support@gunnars.com to request your itemized receipt with the following details.
- the patient’s name
- date of service
- the provider’s name – handwritten receipts must be on the provider’s letterhead
- currency in which the receipt was paid, if not in US dollars.
- Once you receive your itemized receipt, you’re ready to start your claim. Click here to access EyeMed’s online claim form.
- After you receive the email link from EyeMed, follow the instructions to submit your claim online.
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, log in to your EyeMed Web account or call member services at (866) 939-3633.

Follow these easy steps to submit an out-of-network claim for reimbursement through Humana Vision Care. Every plan is a little different, so be sure to contact Humana directly for details on your out-of-network benefits and eligibility.
- Obtain a copy of your itemized receipt. Contact us at support@gunnars.com if you need another copy of your receipt.
- Start your claim. Log in to your Humana VCP account and download a claim form by selecting Benefits Details.
- Submit your claim. Mail your completed claim form and itemized receipt to the address specified on your claim form.
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, call the Humana Customer Care Center at (866) 537-0229.

Follow these easy steps to submit an out-of-network claim for reimbursement through Spectera. Every plan is a little different, so be sure to contact Spectera directly for details on your out-of-network benefits and eligibility.
- Obtain your itemized receipt. Contact us at support@gunnars.com with your Subscriber ID, and the Name and DOB of the patient. We'll provide you with an itemized receipt for your order that includes these extra details.
- Submit your claim. Fax your receipt to (248) 733-6060 or mail your itemized receipt to:
Spectera Claims Department
P.O. Box 30978
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, log in to your Spectera account or call Customer Service at (800) 638-3120.

Follow these easy steps to submit an out-of-network claim for reimbursement through United Healthcare. Every plan is a little different, so be sure to contact United Healthcare directly for details on your out-of-network benefits and eligibility.
- Obtain a copy of your itemized receipt. Contact us at support@gunnars.com with your Subscriber ID, and the Name and DOB of the patient. We'll provide you with an itemized receipt for your order that includes these extra details.
- Start your claim.Download and complete this form.
- Submit your claim. Fax both items to (248) 733-6060 or mail both items to:
United Healthcare Vision
Attn: Claims Department
PO Box 30978
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, log in to your UHC Vision account or call Customer Service at (866) 760-1274.

Follow these easy steps to submit an out-of-network claim for reimbursement through VSP. Every plan is a little different, so be sure to contact VSP directly for details on your out-of-network benefits and eligibility.
- Obtain a copy of your itemized receipt. Contact us at support@gunnars.com if you need another copy of your receipt, or if the patient's name is different from the name on your order. We'll provide you with an itemized receipt that has that added detail.
- Start your claim. Begin your claim online by logging into your VSP account and going to Benefits and Claims, then Start New Claim. Complete the fields and follow the prompts.
- Submit your claim. Upload your itemized receipt when prompted, or Print and mail the completed claim form and your itemized receipt to:
Vision Service Plan
Attention:Claims Services
P.O. Box 385018 Birmingham,
AL 35238-5018
Questions about your claim?
For help submitting your claim, or to check the status of your reimbursement, call VSP Member Services at (800) 877-7195.

Adapting to your new GUNNAR Prescription glasses may take some time, especially for users not familiar with higher wrap eyewear that sits close to the face. Some of the mild effects that you could experience:
- Difficulty focusing on distant objects through your new prescription
- Mild visual distortions, such as a “fishbowl effect” that makes the edges of your field of vision slightly bent
- Difficulties with depth perception
- Dizziness
- Nasuea
- Headaches

These effects should be temporary. Most commonly the adaptation period will last two to three days, but, for some users, can last up to two weeks. Here are a few tips to make the adjustment smooth:
- Wear your new GUNNARs early in the day. Your eyes and brain are less tired and can more readily adjust to new tasks.
- Don’t wear your GUNNARs for general purpose use. Put them on for computer or gaming and take them off for general multi-tasking.
- Be consistent. Avoid the temptation to use your old glasses on the computer. Your brain and eyes work together. Training them both is important and inconsistency will delay the adaptation process.
- Keep your lenses clean. Any additional visual noise will make it harder to see the screen. With a more wrapped frame and lens, smudges or lens noise becomes more apparent.
If any of the effects last longer than two weeks, or if you experience severe headaches or migraines, then consult your eye care professional. They can help diagnose the problem and adjust your prescription accordingly
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